Womens Premier Rugby - Harlequins v Saracens - Saturday 14th Dec 2019 - £199

Womens rugby in England is on a massive upward curve both in public interest and quality. This is your chance to photograph the biggest game of the Tyrrells Premier 15s as the two best sides go head to head at The Stoop. Harlequins take on their biggest rivals Saracens in what is the standout fixture of the 2019/20 season. 

Both teams play really fast, hard, dynamic rugby and are fantastic to photograph. Harlequins have brought this fixture to their main stadium "The Stoop" in anticipation of an excellent crowd and atmosphere as many Saracens supporters make the short journey over from north London.

You will receive full photo access for the afternoon, sitting pitchside with the other professional photographers also covering the match.

I will be giving a full pre-match photo briefing before the match, taking you through all the technical do's and don'ts when shooting fast moving rugby from AF settings to exposure modes etc. 

This course fee is £199 and strictly limited to only six photographers so please email me at info@sportsphotographyschool.co.uk to secure your place on what promises to be an excellent action-packed afternoon.